Monday 23 July 2007

Dissemination of Findings 2006/2007

Dissemination of findings of Tablet PC project in assessment past events;


ISSOTL Conference The Innovative use of Mobile Technology in on-line electronic assessment Wendy Fisher Washington D.C. 8 – 12 November 2006

Short Presentation ‘ ISSOTL and COLMSCT’ at the COLMSCT CETL - Journal Club 14 December 2006


Papers and Presentations
Conference Paper and Presentation – ‘Working with distance learners, learning from each other, about Mobile Technology in e-assessment, wiki supported’ Open University Curriculum, Teaching, and Student Support Conference, Theme – Taking the Lead: Teaching our future Learners( Strand – Maths, Mobile and Team Working) 1-2 May 2007

Co-author Short Paper – pending ‘Interface modalities that enhance or inhibit lecturers’ assessment ‘flow’ experiences’ unpublished 2007

The Pedagogy of On-Line Assessment and Technology in Distance Learning, peer reviewed paper accepted but not submitted for IADIS 2007, International Conference, e-learning 6 - 8 July, Lisbon, Portugal.
Camera ready copy but unable to attend the conference

Expert Forum

Paper Technology, Flow in Assessment Task and Flow in the Interface
COLMSCT CETL Open Univeristy July 5 2007

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